No *Plastic* Straw November

No Straw November was created by a 16-year-old high school junior, Shelby O'Neil. O'Neil wanted to bring awareness to the vast amount of plastic straws being thrown away every day: 500 million JUST in the U.S. alone.
Join us in breaking the habit of the plastic straw!
Here are some ways you can join in on No Straw November:
1. Asking your favorite restaurants to replace plastic straws with paper straws.
2. Bringing your own reusable straw and letting the wait staff know when you order a beverage that you won't need a straw.
3. When ordering at a drive thru letting them know when you place your order that you do not need a plastic straw.
4. Sharing on social media to spread awareness about No Straw November and why it is important to cut plastic straws out of our lives.
Click here to find our Life Without Plastic Straws so you can help curb the plastic straw waste.