Grapefruit Basil Popsicle Recipe - 50% OFF FreezyCups!

In honour of summer and sunshine, we marked our FreezyCupsd 50% off! Enjoy plastic-free popsicles all summer long.
We love the FreezyCup because it's made of high-quality food grade stainless steel, and prevents unnecessary plastic and waste. What's the saying... you can have your dessert and eat it too? Well, a plastic-free popsicle is exactly that! Delicious sweet treat, and no waste.
Today, we made delicious Grapefruit Basil Popiscles for the FreezyCup.
- 1 Whole Grapefruit⠀
- 1 tsp Maple Syrup (or any sweetener)⠀
-3-4 Basil Leaves⠀
Squeeze the juice of one whole grapefruit and mix with maple syrup. Fill FreezyCup with a small piece of grapefruit and basil leaves. Pour in the liquid mixture and freeze overnight. (Makes one serving)
What will be your signature FreezyCup recipe?