
Life Without Plastic was the first company of its kind to address the issue of plastic as a threat to our health and our environment while offering safe and ethically-sourced alternatives. Since our very beginnings in 2005 when we first started building the foundations of this company until the past few years when we launched our book on living without plastics and started expanding world-wide, we have been thought leaders on the issue. Companies, universities, schools, daycares, community groups, government departments are asking us to come talk to their employees, students, children on how to live with less plastics. Our presentation includes lots of easy tips, advice and useful information while not discouraging the listener with the scale of the issue. Contact us at and we'll be happy to discuss with you the best way to approach the issue with your group.



Whether you would like to find solutions to clean your local beach of plastics or you have a commercial entity that needs a serious de-plastification, we're here to help. We would be happy to assess the situation, propose solutions, train your employees or community members and design a plan for the future. We've helped resorts, schools, communities, stores to evaluate their use of plastic and improve their footprints. Contact us at