Life Without Plastic - The Book on Zero Waste Plastic-Free Living Made Simple

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Eliminate Plastic from Your Everyday Life and Reduce Your Impact on the Earth
LIFE WITHOUT PLASTIC: The Practical Step-by-Step Guide to Avoiding Plastic to Keep Your Family and the Planet Healthy
By Chantal Plamondon and Jay Sinha
Foreward by Beth Terry, author of Plastic Free: How I Kicked the Plastic Habit and How You Can Too
Printed on FSC-certified paper and with BPA-free ink, LIFE WITHOUT PLASTIC: The Practical Step-by-Step Guide to Avoiding Plastic to Keep Your Family and the Planet Healthy (Page Street Publishing Co.; December 12, 2017; $21.99) strives to create more awareness about BPA-based products, polystyrene and other single-use plastics, and provides readers with ideas for safe, reusable and affordable alternatives. By removing plastic from your home, you can reduce your environmental footprint, minimize threats to wildlife, support local businesses and live a healthier, simpler life.
In this step-by-step guide, Jay Sinha and Chantal Plamondon show readers how to analyze their personal plastic use, find alternatives and create easy replacements. Get your family healthier, spread consciousness and radiate positive, plastic-free energy by taking action to help the environment.
LIFE WITHOUT PLASTIC is divided into seven chapters:
- Framing the Issue Through Our Plastic-Free Journey
- The Super Easy “Pareto Plastic-Free Living” Quick Start Guide
- Knowing Your Plastics…And the Alternatives
- Removing Plastic from Your Personal Space: How to Create a Healthier Home
- Plastic-Free Living on the Go
- Radiating the Plastic-Free Lifestyle
- Final Words: Embracing a Circular Life Without Plastic
Jay Sinha and Chantal Plamondon are the founders of the online shop Life Without Plastic. They live in Wakefield, Quebec, Canada.
The Practical Step-by-Step Guide to Avoiding Plastic to Keep Your Family and the Planet Healthy
By Chantal Plamondon and Jay Sinha
Page Street Publishing Co. • December 12, 2017 • ISBN: 978-1-62414-425-7 • $21.99
For more information or to schedule an interview with the authors, please contact
Aimee Bianca / YC Media / / 212-609-5009
Page Street Publishing Co. produces large format, full-color books, packed with original photography and is distributed by Macmillan throughout the United States, sales in Canada by The Canadian Manda Group. Page Street is a proud member of 1% for the Planet and donates 1% of its annual revenue to environmental groups.
What others are saying about Life Without Plastic:
"Eliminating plastics is a core step of waste-free living. This guide will not only make the planet and your family healthier, it will improve your standard of living so greatly that all you'll regret is not having started earlier!"
- Bea Johnson, author of Zero Waste Home
“Chantal and Jay are researchers like myself, but rather than doing research on the vagrant plastic trash in the ocean, they research alternatives to plastic so that I won’t find it at sea. Life Without Plastic is must read for the plastic conscious consumer.”
- Captain Charles Moore, founder and research director, Algalita Marine Research and Education
"Radiating a plastic free lifestyle and sharing this with family and friends can be a wacky fun worthwhile challenge. We must break free from plastic and fossil fuels, because plastic pollutes us, animals, the ocean, waterways and the planet. Onward towards a plastic free planet!"
- Dianna Cohen, CEO/co-founder Plastic Pollution Coalition
"I thought I knew a lot about cutting down on single use plastic, but Jay and Chantal's book, Life Without Plastic, has given me hope for what is possible in eliminating this toxic threat from our lives. After reading it, I'm upping the ante with cotton sandwich bags, a steel dip container, and a tiffin! Who knew I needed a tiffin! I'm much closer to my goal of a plastic free life, owing to this wonderful book."
- Ed Begley, Jr., actor and sustainable living expert
"As the Co-Founders of The 5 Gyres Institute, we have had a chance to witness the impacts of plastic pollution globally, covering a quarter of our planets surface in a plastic smog that threatens marine wildlife, and ultimately our own health. What we now need are actionable solutions that everyday people can take to reduce their plastic footprint. Jay and Chantal's wonderful book provides a clear roadmap for protecting our families, our oceans, and our personal health from the dangers of single use plastic. Were thrilled to see Life Without Plastic out in the world!"
- Anna Cummins & Marcus Eriksen, co-founders, The 5 Gyres Institute
"Chantal and Jay have given us a startling reality check. They give us a compelling map for our personal responsibility. Read Life Without Plastic. Get informed. Take action!"
- Joel Solomon, investor, convenor and author of The Clean Money Revolution
"Jay and Chantal are people who paddle out to turn the tide regardless of the waves ahead. They are the impetus for positive change, inspiring our small coastal village Bahia Ballena - Uvita, Costa Rica, a high-profile coastal tourism destination that hosts up to 170,000 visitors annually, to enact a destination-wide plastic-free initiative. Their book Life Without Plastic is the how-to-guide that will allow you to ride the plastic free wave of change we all sorely need."
- Travis Bays, founder Bodhi Surf + Yoga, 1st B Corp Certified surf and yoga camp in the world
"Forget the title! You don't have to be seeking a life without plastic to get a lot out of this book. It's a fantastic resource for anyone concerned about the overwhelming place plastic holds in modern life."--
- Susan Freinkel, author, Plastic: A Toxic Love Story
"For seven years I've been on a journey to live close to zero waste and to reduce the amount of plastic in my life, especially single use, disposable plastic. It is a challenge to keep up these practices indefinitely, especially in a society so immersed in plastic and the throw-away lifestyle. Over the last few years plastic has managed to sneak back into my life in ways that I had already rid myself of it. This book, Life Without Plastic, has re-invigorated my desire to live a life without plastic. Plus, it has given me a deeper understanding of exactly what plastic is, the many types of plastic, the human harm it can cause and the impact it has on our world. After finishing just the first chapter I was already going through all of my stuff and sifting out the plastic that had creeped back into my life and wasn't serving me well!
The book is written in a manner that can be read by someone fully immersed in the plastic life that wants to make their first change, or by someone like myself who is well on their way to a life without plastic, or anywhere in between. It is non-preaching, non-judgmental, meets us all where we are, and guides us into a happier, healthier and more sustainable life without plastic."
- Rob Greenfield, adventurer, activist, humanitarian and author of Dude Making a Difference
"Life Without Plastic is a pertinent and useful guide to living mindfully in the Anthropocene - a human dominated planet. The Anthropocene is characterized as a new geological epoch where human influence has begun to fundamentally alter many aspects of the Earth’s systems. Human influence on the planet and its functioning is widespread and spreading, such that no biome of the Earth’s surface is free from interactions with humanity. Plastic debris is a pervasive anthropogenic contaminant, identified in marine ecosystems across the globe, and recognized as a serious global environmental concern.
When undertaking my first ever Plastic Tides Stand Up Paddleboard expedition around Bermuda, I was disheartened to see a juxtaposition of amazing marine life and disgusting waste. While enjoying the fresh sea breeze and gazing at turquoise water I was shocked to encounter fish, turtles and seabirds nibbling on plastic as if it was seaweed.
While Christian, Gordon and I were already mindful of waste, energy use and the importance of sustainably sourced food, this 2014 expedition prompted us to seriously limit our single-use plastic consumption. Our friends at Life Without Plastic offer a wide array of solutions, from sporks to metal lunchboxes to zero-waste coffee brewers. Chantal and Jay’s amazing catalogue of useful objects have enabled us to kick-start our own plastic-free lifestyles. The couple’s new book - Life Without Plastic - provides a helpful guide to encourage those around us to reduce waste and plastic consumption. Indeed, becoming a plastic-free hero capable of fitting an entire year’s worth of rubbish into a jar certainly doesn’t happen overnight! This book provides thoughtful information to help families plan ahead and change one step at a time - from lunch packing gear to sports equipment."
- Céline Jennison, co-founder, Plastic Tides