No Straw November was created by a 16-year-old high school junior, Shelby O'Neil. O'Neil wanted to bring awareness to the vast amount of plastic straws being thrown away every day: 500 million JUST i ...
Reducing your plastic footprint is a step-by-step process ... ironically! Many people making a small change can create major positive impacts around the world. We say "start small and build up!"  ...
Meet Sam, the sea otter... he has a powerful message... The most precious things in life aren’t things. Sam’s mom has a powerful lesson to share that can help you recognize what’s “just a ...
Did you know?On average, North American families throw away 1000 plastic baggies per year. That's a lot of plastic.We strive to provide products that help individuals and families reduce their plasti ...
There is no doubt that the plastic pollution problem requires an integrated global approach. In Canada alone, we throw away approximately 3 million tonnes of plastic annually. Only 9% of that is recy ...
Nothing shines like P O S I T I V I T Y!We wouldn't be us if we didn't challenge you during Plastic-Free July. So here's the challenge: be utterly positive! We want you to celebrate restaurants, bars ...
Is it possible to live without plastic? This is a question we are often asked. It is pretty tough in this day and age to avoid contact with plastic completely. Many of us need to use a phone, drive a ...
How can I tell what type of plastic something is made of, and if that plastic is safe?
There is a way to identify the type of plastic in many everyday products, especially food storage containers an ...